Boy Scouts of America (BSA)
Based on the principle of duty to God and Country, the Scouting Program serves youth, ages 6 through 21, regardless of ethnic background, creed, or physical or mental ability. In cooperation with organizations like The American Legion, Scouting offers a way for you and other dedicated volunteers of your Post and the Community to bring fun, adventure, and leadership skills to young people, and to provide effective citizenship training, and personal fitness opportunities for youth.
The Scouting Program also gives Legionnaires the opportunity to touch the lives of the youth of our nation and share with them the skills necessary to build a generation of young people ready to do their duty to God and Country.
The American Legion, at its first National Convention, voted approval and support to the Boy Scout movement. Since that time in 1919, The American Legion's support of Scouting has remained relatively steady with local Post chartering more than 2,500 units. Hundreds of other units benefit from financial and other forms of support by local posts.
Scouting utilizes the service-learned skills and abilities of the veteran in building character and desirable habits in "Young America." It's a Post activity that brings public credit and goodwill to the Post. Legion-sponsored Scout units should be a "must" in every Post.
Further information and nomination applications are available from the Department Adjutant and from the Americanism and Children & Youth Division at National Headquarters. The deadline for nomination applications to the Department Headquarters selection committee is March 1st of each year. The application judged as most outstanding must be forwarded to National Headquarters no later than 1 April of each year.
National Eagle Scout of the Year
The American Legion Life Insurance Committee provides for a national scholarship to be awarded to the Eagle Scout who is selected “The American Legion Eagle Scout of the Year,” at the National level.
The American Legion National Eagle Scout of the Year will receive a $10,000 scholarship. Three runner-up scholarship awards will be granted in the amount of $2,500 each.
The Scout who best meets the qualifications outlined in the Nomination Application will be selected as the American Legion Eagle Scout of the Year by the National Americanism Commission, and will join the Youth Champion delegation and participate in the Annual National Convention.
Nominations must be received by Department Headquarters no later than 1 March of each year.
Information for:
The American Legion National Eagle Scout of the Year
All nominations must be submitted directly to Department.
The application judged best in the Department will be submitted to
National no later than 1 April of each year.
Scouting Square Knot Award
The Square Knot Award is designed to recognize American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary or Sons of The American Legion (SAL) members who are actively involved in the Scouting program.
Its purpose is to recognize dedication and work by the member to assist in furthering the Scouting program in The American Legion.